Sunday 18 September 2011

Real Estate Photography (Internal)

Real Estate Photography (External)

Wednesday 14 September 2011

My 5 cents

I haven't really shared alot in text on this blog as it's really just a place to put some photos and share a kind of portfolio of what i've been up to. Not everything is added here if you want to see more just give me a yell.

Below is just a kind of introduction and allow you to get to know what i'm about.

I started out in digital photography with a 300D and a 18-55 kit lens taking photos of anything of half an interest. Straight away (possibly like most who pick up a SLR) I loved the bokeh effect and control of the SLR). I read books, read up on the internet, watched youtube videos and anything else I could to learn as much as possible, but nothing compared to just shooting and trying new things and learning from mistakes.

Things really took off for me after enrolling at a lighting course @ ACP in Paddington, if you are starting out and have the dosh, I highly recommend taking up some courses there. 
The lighting course opened my eyes to a whole new world and found myself looking at everything and how the light falls on it and how to make the most of each situation. The other members of the class and tutor were great  everyone encouraged, assisted and pushed one another to build our skills.

 Lighting is a huge aspect of photography but not the only thing you have to worry about, there's timing, framing, directing, styling and a billion other things that can affect a shot. I do put effort into my work  and will make whatever adjustment I feel will bring out the best shot for my style.

I'm trying to specialise in only a couple of areas, food and lifestyle. Being who I am and getting bored easily I like to mix things up and try different subjects. I am now committed to working on real estate/commercial photography.

I'm not big on photoshop, I 100% respect those who use it and take images to another level but it's just not me to spend 3-4 hours on a single image. I want the photo taken right at the time so I don't have to "fix" them. In saying that, the more I learn on editing software the more patience and respect I have for what can be achieved. It could be my ignorance on the power these tools have and am determined to learn and develop more with this software.

What gear do I have?
Canon 50D - Still a good camera even though it's getting a bit old, next upgrade will be to full frame, but need to then change a few lenses also.
Canon 24-105mm F4 L Lens, awesome lens with stabiliser, not getting full usage out of it until I upgrade the camera body. For now covers most types of shots and is what I would use majority of the time.
Canon 10-22mm - Must have for landscapes and interiors, fun lens and I didn't really appreciate why you would need one until I tried it out.
Other lenses - 50mm 1.8 Fav lens, would like the 1.4 but this still delivers for depth of field and low light. Recommend anyone to get this, it retails at around $130.
60mm macro F2.8, haven't really used it but if you like shooting flowers, bugs or grains of sand then get a macro. Anyone want to buy it off me?
Other stuff:
580 ExII speedlite,
Manfrotto tripod 055X ProB
Manfrotto 804RC2 head,
Elinchrom flash x2 with softboxes
2 x Lowepro bags of different sizes to carry the gear
And a whole heap of accessories such as triggers, sync cords, levels, filters and what not.
Software i'm using: Photoshop, lightroom and some other bits and pieces for various projects.

I have used Nikon's higher end cameras and lenses and I thought they were excellent, i'm not a fan boy of Canon and taking sides in the whole which brand is better debate is just crazy. I just happened to of started out with Canon and cannot be bothered changing all my equipment over to another brand at this stage.

Thanks for taking the time to visit this blog and read my babble

Monday 27 June 2011

Food pixels

Thanks to Dario @ for a few hours of insight and demonstrations at his recent food photography course. I'm still learning alot and spending time in a professional studio helps provide a level to aspire and build to.

Here are a couple of shots from the day

Sunday 19 June 2011

On the way to work..

Sydney at the start of winter, too good not to take a detour on the way to work and take some shots. These were all taken around Pyrmont..

And then a couple from the way home...

Monday 9 May 2011

Some food shots..

05/05/2011 Added new photos, Shirlyn had been doing some cooking and I had taken some photos but been a bit slow in uploading. The first is with natural light, the kitchen is next to the back door, which is one of those glass sliding doors facing north which really pumps the light in. On an overcast day it produces the lighting setup I like.

The 2nd shot is using a soft box that I made for my speedlight. I prefer the natural light.

Sunday 6 March 2011

Peter and Siska's Wedding

This was my first wedding, big thanks to Chris Handel for the opportunity to come and assist, the whole day was rained out but I think we still managed to get some decent shots. Along with fellow assistant Brendan Asprey, we were asked to take some shots of the groomsmen getting ready and then hot foot it to the ceremony and help out Chris from there. More to come later...